12 Days of Christmas – Day 4
December 29, 2011
On the Fourth Day of Christmas in the Hackmann Family:
Four Pillow Pets
Three yo-yo’s twirling
Two Doodle Bears
And a bed chair for Mom to rest in
Today is the Fourth Day of Christmas and the Feast of St. Thomas A Becket bishop and martyr. He and Henry II of England were buddies until Henry made Thomas Archbishop. Thomas took his office seriously and wouldn’t play favorites with Henry which made the king mad. So, Henry (supposedly) uttered that famous line, “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” and four soldiers took him seriously and assasinated Becket.
There is a great movie called (what else) Becket with Richard Burton and Peter O’Toole which tells the story well. It is on Netflix Instant Watch so you might want to check it out. I think I’ll grab some popcorn tonight and watch it myself – it’s been a few years since I’ve seen it. Pray for us St. Thomas Becket that we too may be faithful to Christ and His Church!