Wednesday Check In
October 19, 2011
I will be posting on the next Control Journal step later today – Zones – and where to find information on that. I got sidetracked last Thursday morning by a family emergency with Maggie and have not been up to posting until today. Everything is pending at the moment as we wait to get a new doctor appointment and test scheduled. However, she seems to be doing just fine and that is reassuring. Hopefully, it’s all going to come out all right. On top of that I have a problem with my left foot and if it doesn’t feel better soon I guess I’ll be going in next. Oh well…let the crappy times roll eh?
In the meantime I do want to say that I have….lost a pound!!! I also joined Spark People as recommended by a friend who I ran into a couple of weekends ago. I am drinking my water and yesterday I got my vitamins in so I’m going with that. I may not lose 5 pounds by the end of the month, but I’m hoping to come close!
I have decided not to stop scrapbooking because I have the Project Life album, pages, and now the Core Kit which was available again. I also decided to start currrent and work backwards. I think that will be easier. I need to find out if I can load up an SD card with photos and take it to a local store to get photos printed – I think I can, but will need to ask my tech gurus (a.k.a. my older boys) for help with that. I am sure they will bill me one of these days :-). I just need something creative to do for me and this is the one thing I enjoy so I’m going to start on that this week too.
Just a reminder that next Sunday starts the Christmas Countdown!! So, if you haven’t signed up for their emails or checked them out – do it!! You won’t be sorry. I am already shopping – bwahahahah! Gotta love Christmas! In case you are wondering no, we don’t spend a huge amount of money on gifts and such and we have had a few super lean years, but they were still very good times. I do have a dollar amount in mind and try to stick to that. It is the one time of year, outside birthdays, when we can really treat our kids and we use it as an opportunity to do so. Still, we do have limits. Like this is NOT going to happen for Matt – sorry.
So, that’s the news for now, and I will be back later today to post about my control journal in case you are hanging by a thread waiting. And keep us in your prayers please – we could use a few extra right now.