September Progress Report
October 5, 2011
I’ll be honest – I haven’t stepped on a scale in a few weeks. Too scared. I kept gaining and then I lost a pound, but I don’t think all that cake and ice cream over the weekend made it go down another pound. However, I am keeping up on more water so that’s something I guess. I don’t know how people with a lot of kids find time to even think about their weight. I don’t have any outside activities that keep me active like a lot of modern mommies either. So, I guess since the water thing is getting to be a habit, it’s time to make another small change. Maybe by the time I’m 80 I’ll lose the weight ;-).
Otherwise, that’s all the progress. I feel like the month was a total loss. I kept up the business from the last month especially since we started school the day after Labor Day. That means a busy day of going from one thing to another and maybe having 5 minutes to sip tea. I had a few curriculum glitches and have worked those out for the better. Things are now running smoother. I think most classrooms – wherever your kids go to school – are the same. It takes a little time to see how your plans are going to work and what needs to be tweaked.
On a more positive note, each day that goes by adds to another month that I feel better and better about myself. That Fashion Show was a huge step forward. I used to look in the mirror and just hate who I saw staring back. Now that I’m attending more to my needs I look in the mirror and say, “Hmm, she’s not so bad.” and that is a HUGE thing for me. Yes, I’ve even taken to tweezing the caterpillars other people call eyebrows. Overall though, I’m liking and coming to know myself more and more. One thing that people who have known me over the last 3 years say is that they can tell in my eyes that I’m feeling better and I have to say they do look a little brighter. Others say they can tell through my writing (I have a few online friends) that things have changed for the better. So, that’s a good indication of getting better I think.
So, for October I think daily vitamins are my next habit. I really am low on energy and probably could use the boost. No mega doses for me, but the Wellesee Liquid D3 worked so well that I found their liquid Multi on Drugstore.com so I think I’ll try that. While I really like the Nature Made, taking pills is not an easy thing for me. I think that’s why companies came out with gummy vitamins – for those who have trouble swallowing pills for whatever reasons. So, we’ll see how that goes. Still working on the daily routines with the housework and kids and I think that will always be a work in progress. Gotta remember kaizen – small changes over time will add up.
Oh, I almost forgot – I have already started Christmas shopping! I use Organized Christmas’ Christmas Countdown and it really helps every year. The Countdown starts on Oct. 23 so go there, print out the plan and get started.