Pancake Fun
October 27, 2011
Today I made Pumpkin Pancakes for lunch. Luckily I shop at Aldi and the pumpkin there is only 99 cents a can and I’ve got a dozen cans! Well, okay, now I only have 11 – heh. Anyway – here are pics of the animals we made today. I have to say for not being such a crafty person they came out pretty good.
Here is the pig I made for Becky – I put raisins on for eyes. The trick was to do the snout first and let it cook a little and pour the rest of the head around that.
And here’s my attempt at a panda for Katie – yeah it’s not great, but she was happy.
This is a turtle…or a snail.
And lastly, Steve made a chicken (he has a Webkinz chicken that it is patterned after.)
So there you have it folks – fun making pancakes. Try your hand at it and even though they won’t be perfect (and really who cares if they aren’t), your kids will love them and love you for it. Trust me.
On October 28, 2011 at 5:04 AM, dxprog said:
Reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNNyXb0kDrU
On October 28, 2011 at 12:05 PM, java_queen said:
GI Jimbo? Oookay. I thought maybe you were going to direct me to a picture of your darth vadar pancake - remember that?