Control Journal 2 – Weekly Plan
October 12, 2011
Okay, so I’ve set my Journal up, put in my Daily Routines, and now it’s on to the Weekly Plan. Now, you can find out more on the FlyLady website here and here.
In a nutshell, the Weekly Plan is for those recurring activities that take place once a week – for example I clean the refrigerator out every Wednesday and the van out every Friday. Well, okay, I used to clean the van every Friday, and I’m writing it down to make sure it keeps getting done.
I also put what laundry I do for each day of the week. I finally had an epiphany about that several years ago and now I do a different type of laundry each day as you can see. Monday is for the girls’ clothes, Tuesday for the younger boys’ clothes, etc. This keeps me on track and laundry gets done every day. Most of the time. While I’m talking laundry I must say that the schedule, having an HE washer and dryer, and NOT having a closet stuffed full of clothes (only what we really need) cuts down on the amount of time I spend on laundry considerably.
So, here’s my Weekly Plan so you can see what it looks like:
Down at the bottom I put monthly items. There aren’t any monthly housecleaning or home maintenance things on there yet because I haven’t got that far. However, you could always make a Monthly Plan to go behind your Weekly Plan if you desire. Or put it in your zones – add an Outside or Home Maintenance Zone if you want. Really, the ideas are endless so just go with what you need.
Okay, so that’s my Weekly Plan. Tomorrow I’ll be putting the Zone pages in. Phew – getting there!