Rest From Your Labors
August 28, 2011
I heard these words this morning as I was running thinking about all the things I need to do. Today is Sunday, the Lord’s Day, a day of rest. Well, it’s supposed to be anyway. We aren’t supposed to do any really strenuous labor on Sunday. We are supposed to take the day off from our working – laboring – and give our bodies and minds a break. Well, as any mom knows this is easier said than done, but yes, mothers need this rest too even if it’s a little trickier to do.
The last few days have been very stressful for me. My mom was ill and ended up in the ER on Friday. I also spent the night Friday night to keep an eye on her. Yesterday was spent on errands with children to the library and also grocery shopping. I’ve got things to do yet before school starts next week so I’m preparing for that too. So how did I start today? By sitting outside in the cool of the morning and….reading a book on children and habits. Hmmm. I am baking a cake this morning because we are celebrating Jeff’s birthday today. But I had already decided to stay home from Mass because I felt I needed some rest. HOLD IT! Something isn’t making sense here. And as I was thinking of all the things I need to be doing a voice said to me, “Rest from your labors”. That also means, putting aside the school prep, the reading of habit training, all of it aside for today. I had never thought of those thoughts that rattle through my brain constantly and reading child behavior or self help books as laboring, but really they can be. And for me it is work because my job is being a mother.
So, today, I will put aside all those things and rest because I need the mental and physical rest. I will only do that which I truly need to be doing – like cooking and wrapping Jeff’s birthday presents and the mommy things as they arise. It will be hard, but it’s something I need to learn to do especially on Sunday.
NOTE: I found this blog called Unplugged Sunday and it is about unplugging from all the tech gadgets we have and engaging instead with our families, friends, and neighbors on Sundays. I think this is a great idea and very much ties in with our Sunday obligation to rest from our labors. Go check it out!
On August 28, 2011 at 4:15 PM, dxprog said:
I misread you reading your "children and habits" book as "children and hobbits." I think that kind of book certainly wouldn't be laborious.
In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit... and her eight children... the eldest of which was also a wizard...
On August 28, 2011 at 8:32 PM, java_queen said:
Well, I am about the size of a hobbit in both height and width :-). I'd really love a Hobbit Hole though - they look great and since they are underground they are tornado protection too. Hehe.