A Thoughtful Thursday
August 25, 2011
This morning it was beautiful – only in the 60’s with a cool breeze blowing. After yesterday’s high of 106 this is a welcome respite indeed! So, the four younger kids and I went outside to sit and enjoy it. Actually, they all yelled for me to come outside to see the mushrooms that were growing next to the garden. I grabbed my camera and took these shots:
Unfortunately, I did not have a field guide to identify them so I guess a trip to the library is in order AND time to put Ann Botsford Comstocks’ Handbook of Nature Study into my cart at Amazon :-).
I also took a picture of the kids:
Even Joe’s animals enjoyed the cool of the grass:
After that the kids grabbed the camera and took some pictures.. I grabbed my book, Lessons at Blackberry Inn, and a chair and read a chapter. Well, I say I read a chapter, but it was in bits and pieces as the kiddos were talking to me and asking questions about things. That’s okay – that’s what a mom does.
I noticed across the fence a big yellow school bus picking up the neighborhood kids for school. I looked to the back of the yard at my children admiring the squash in the garden:
and blowing bubbles, chattering happily among themselves, and I whispered a prayer of thanks that I am able to educate my children at home. There is nothing more beautiful than the innocence of children and that is as it should be. There is time for all they need to know and they are still growing up anyway. It doesn’t take long though and I’m enjoying being with them today.
On August 27, 2011 at 3:15 AM, Joyce said:
I'm thankful too that you were outside reading together and the yellow bus went passed. :)