My Incredible Book Find..um..Miracle!
August 31, 2011
A long time ago, around 1987 to be exact, I had this book called “Working Wardrobe” by Janet Wallach. It was all about how a few basic wardrobe pieces can be mixed and match to yield many looks for several weeks. Well, I loved that whole concept and ever since I read it I still think of my wardrobe in those terms. Okay, so I haven’t actually had much of a wardrobe since having a zillion kids, but hey, it’s a great concept.
Well, I loaned that book out back in 1992 or 1993 and never saw it again. However, I have been looking and looking for it ever since. I was going to get it from Amazon, but kept holding back in hopes of finding it at one of our used book stores for cheaper. That’s when it happened – the miracle!
On Saturday, August 20, Matt, Steve, and I went to Tulsa to do Jeff’s birthday shopping (I need to talk about that tradition one of these days). Per usual we went to our favorite used bookstore. I got out of the car and said a silent prayer that went something like this, “God, if you can find that book for me here I would really appreciate it”. We rounded the corner and right there in a box sitting right on top was THE BOOK!! I kid you not – it was right there only seconds after I prayed!! Best of all, because it was on the 25 cents “table” that’s all I paid for it. And it’s in good condition! I picked it up and hugged it to myself and almost cried. I paid for my book and immediately starting reading it when I got home.
I have to say the “capsule concept” of building your wardrobe is still as viable today as it was then. I am planning on a whole post on that because I actually DO have a capsule in my closet! See, I still retain all that I learned when I read that book all those years ago :-).
Confession time – I did cry over this one. It was such a simple thing, but it meant so much for me to find it. And to have that small prayer answered so quickly, I know that the bigger issues I am praying for now I can trust to the Lord. Well, I know that somewhere deep inside, but sometimes (and even each time) you have something big and scary to do, it is like the first time you have something big and scary to do and you don’t know if you’ll make it. I do know I’ll make it – God has shown me He is there. Here. All the time.
August Progress Report
August 30, 2011
Well, it has been quite the month! Guess what? I didn’t even come close to getting everything done on my lists! I didn’t take the month for myself as I had planned. No, somehow all of that got waylaid and I ended up doing all kinds of other stuff instead.
It was a really hot month around here and the temps were always 100 or waaaayyyy over. Then, unbelievably, there was a week of cool and rainy weather and heat’s web was broken. Ah, did it feel good too! We are now transitioning into more fall like weather and next Monday should see our first real cold front coming through – can’t wait for that!
As far as my weight, I have actually started losing again so I feel good about that. I started drinking more water and, when the heat let up, I got a little more active again. Both have helped I’m sure. My sleep cycle has been a one good night and one bad night schedule, but the last couple of night’s I’ve had better sleep. I know that is the culprit for alot of weight and mood issues for me so it’s something I need to work on. Hormones, however, may have a different plan for me.
And during this month, I may have already mentioned it, I got sidetracked by my kids’ behavior. During the worst of the heat, when everyone was pushed to their limits, the bad habits came shining through. That got me to thinking about what to do about them and I ended up buying the ebook “Laying Down the Rails” by Sonya Shafer of Simply Charlotte Mason. I started reading that and also listening to the accompanying mp3 audio workshop (yes, I downloaded that too). I am about to implement the first phase which is: sleep cycles getting on track and also routines for everyone including mom. After those have become habits, about a month or so, we will work on the next thing. I’ll keep you posted :-).
I have also been getting ready for the new school year, which starts next Tuesday, and pulling in school supplies, books, etc. This week I am planning the lessons and making copies of worksheets and the like. As part of my “teacher training” month, I also read “Real Education In the Heart of The Home” by Elizabeth Foss, and began Karen Andreola’s “Lessons at Blackberry Farm” which is a sequel to her “Pocketful of Pinecones” which I breezed through last month. I must say, I am again thinking over more of the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education and wondering where and how I can apply some of this in my own home. Of course, as stated above, we are working on habit training, but I’m thinking also of dictation, narration, and copy work for English as well instead of workbooks. Many people think you learn spelling, grammar, and writing best by writing and I’d like to give it a whirl. Workbooks can be helpful but I think sometimes we lean too heavily on them as well. So, I’m contemplating all that at the moment.
We are still in restoration mode, and I’m just beginning to make lists of all that we need. I think that in itself has been such a daunting thought that maybe I got into procrastination because it just seems so insurmountable at times. At any rate, I know more now what I want to do and the wheels are being set in motion.
I finally finished “The Happiness Project” and am thinking of starting my own project at the beginning of next year (if not sooner). One thing I would like to do for myself is to read one classic book a month. I’ve been thinking about it for a while and this is the perfect excuse for me to start don’t you think? That said, I need to decide what my first book will be. Hmmm.
Well, I think that concludes this month’s Progress Report. Next month looks busy, but if I can take time to care for myself in between the busyness, maybe I won’t be too out of sorts by the end of the month. I’ll let you know how that works out :-).
Rest From Your Labors
August 28, 2011
I heard these words this morning as I was running thinking about all the things I need to do. Today is Sunday, the Lord’s Day, a day of rest. Well, it’s supposed to be anyway. We aren’t supposed to do any really strenuous labor on Sunday. We are supposed to take the day off from our working – laboring – and give our bodies and minds a break. Well, as any mom knows this is easier said than done, but yes, mothers need this rest too even if it’s a little trickier to do.
The last few days have been very stressful for me. My mom was ill and ended up in the ER on Friday. I also spent the night Friday night to keep an eye on her. Yesterday was spent on errands with children to the library and also grocery shopping. I’ve got things to do yet before school starts next week so I’m preparing for that too. So how did I start today? By sitting outside in the cool of the morning and….reading a book on children and habits. Hmmm. I am baking a cake this morning because we are celebrating Jeff’s birthday today. But I had already decided to stay home from Mass because I felt I needed some rest. HOLD IT! Something isn’t making sense here. And as I was thinking of all the things I need to be doing a voice said to me, “Rest from your labors”. That also means, putting aside the school prep, the reading of habit training, all of it aside for today. I had never thought of those thoughts that rattle through my brain constantly and reading child behavior or self help books as laboring, but really they can be. And for me it is work because my job is being a mother.
So, today, I will put aside all those things and rest because I need the mental and physical rest. I will only do that which I truly need to be doing – like cooking and wrapping Jeff’s birthday presents and the mommy things as they arise. It will be hard, but it’s something I need to learn to do especially on Sunday.
NOTE: I found this blog called Unplugged Sunday and it is about unplugging from all the tech gadgets we have and engaging instead with our families, friends, and neighbors on Sundays. I think this is a great idea and very much ties in with our Sunday obligation to rest from our labors. Go check it out!
A Thoughtful Thursday
August 25, 2011
This morning it was beautiful – only in the 60’s with a cool breeze blowing. After yesterday’s high of 106 this is a welcome respite indeed! So, the four younger kids and I went outside to sit and enjoy it. Actually, they all yelled for me to come outside to see the mushrooms that were growing next to the garden. I grabbed my camera and took these shots:
Unfortunately, I did not have a field guide to identify them so I guess a trip to the library is in order AND time to put Ann Botsford Comstocks’ Handbook of Nature Study into my cart at Amazon :-).
I also took a picture of the kids:
Even Joe’s animals enjoyed the cool of the grass:
After that the kids grabbed the camera and took some pictures.. I grabbed my book, Lessons at Blackberry Inn, and a chair and read a chapter. Well, I say I read a chapter, but it was in bits and pieces as the kiddos were talking to me and asking questions about things. That’s okay – that’s what a mom does.
I noticed across the fence a big yellow school bus picking up the neighborhood kids for school. I looked to the back of the yard at my children admiring the squash in the garden:
and blowing bubbles, chattering happily among themselves, and I whispered a prayer of thanks that I am able to educate my children at home. There is nothing more beautiful than the innocence of children and that is as it should be. There is time for all they need to know and they are still growing up anyway. It doesn’t take long though and I’m enjoying being with them today.
The Joys of Playdough
August 23, 2011
Well, actually, it’s not real Playdough but it is play dough :-). It’s by Rose Art and is called Softee Dough and, in my opinion, it is far better than the other stuff could ever be.
So, I tossed the older clay we had and started with new again since the new school year is also approaching and I like starting with new things. The kids were thrilled and immediately started making creations. It is amazing the things they sculpt and even more amazing that they are MY kids because I do not have a creative bone in my body. I do think part of the key was just to give them crayons and paper and let them do whatever and they have. They’ve never had limitations on them and their creativity has come shining through without even having had one formal art class. I have bought (and taken out of the library) books on drawing and they have used those to help them draw, but otherwise it’s all them. Sorry for the bragfest, but I just wanted to say that art at home can really be quite simple.
So, I’m sure you want to see some of their creations right? Here’s their fruit and vegetable plate:
And here is Maggie and her “Krabby Patty” (see Spongebob Squarepants to find out what a Krabby Patty is).
So, there you have it – the joys of making things with play dough.
Battling Burnout Again
August 18, 2011
I didn’t realize it until recently that I think I’ve got burnout again (or the beginnings of it) – can’t imagine why I couldn’t figure that one out sooner! Last week was the week from hell, but it also was a time for me to see what is going on with some of the kids’ behavior. That led me to buy this ebook, “Laying Down The Rails”, to give me ideas on how to deal with some of these issues that maybe I’ve not really addressed in awhile or at all. That depression bubble I’ve been in the last 3-4 years really did a number on some things, and when all you can do is barely take care of yourself, some other things get dropped. I also started reading “Real Learning” by Elizabeth Foss again – she has this awesome chapter on Battling Burnout and I’m going to put some of her strategies into practice to get myself where I need to be again.
The 3rd year anniversary of my crash is looming as well and every August I get tense as if anticipating it all over again – definitely a trigger for me. Not only was I going to crash, but my counselor was incredibly unkind which meant therapy after my therapy :-/. Now, I can look back and see my progress over the last 3 years and I’m so glad that most of that hard work is over. I only have a few loose ends to tie up with myself, and I am working on those as they pop up.
Add to that a kid moving out, kids in college, younger kids turning the corner into the teen years – well, you get the idea. Yep, I’m feeling overwhelmed again. Oh, and remember how I was going to take out time for ME this month? That ain’t happenin’! What is it about my good intentions? Oh yeah, I relized how much we need to play catch up now that we’re out of debt. Yet, it’s all going to get done if I just get my plan on and take it slow and easy. We had this wonderful priest – may he rest in peace – who always ended his sermons (or was it the Mass?) with “slow and easy”. At his funeral, at the end of Mass, we bid him farewell with those very words. I know I’m hard on myself, and I know I need to cut myself some slack, but some days it’s hard.
So, time to take it slow and easy, determine what needs to be done, how it’s going to be done (one habit/thing at a time), and then roll up my sleeves. However, I’ll add in time for myself to reflect and refresh because that is probably the most important part of any recovery – taking time for you.
Girl of 100 Lists
August 11, 2011
Now, for those of you who LOVED the Go-Go’s back in the 80’s you will immediately recognize the title of this post as their song “Girl of 100 Lists” and if you don’t know, go look it up on YouTube :-). I loved this song and, more than that, it described me exactly! I have always made lists from the time I was a teenager and I still do. In fact I have several going right now:
1. School Supply List
2. Road Trip Shopping List (includes a list of books to look for at the used book stores)
3. List of books to get at the library
4. My August To Do List
5. My To Do List for this week
6. Get ready for school list (things I need to do)
7. A list of things I give my time to
8. Lists of changes I want to make in the house (a room by room list)
9. A list of Glad candles I want to look at
10. A revised chore list (still to be presented to the family)
11. Words that came to me that tell me about myself (I will have to blog about this one sometime)
So, are you getting the idea?
I am the girl of 100 lists
From what shall I wear
To who I have kissed
Check items off
Let nothing be missed
Sing I to myself and my 100 lists
Happy Blog Anniversary to Me!
August 10, 2011
That’s right dear readers, I have been officially blogging for one whole year now! I have to say I’ve really been enjoying myself even though sometimes it’s hit and miss, but there really are days when you feel there is nothing going on or you have nothing to say. It’s how life is sometimes.
I’m sorry if I haven’t kept up with the Weekend Gallery or the Music Monday and I even dropped my thirtysomething posts as well. However, maybe I should challenge myself to keep up on those things for the next year.
Speaking of thirtysomething, have I mentioned that I am rewatching the first season? Well, I am, and enjoying it AGAIN. I want to finish up and start Season 2 on the day the first episode of Season 2 actually aired….yeah, I’m kind of weird that way.
Anywho – thanks for reading my blog for this past year and I hope you’ve had a laugh or two, enjoyed the photos, or maybe even been inspired by something here. I appreciate you all!! Here’s to the next 365 days to blog!
ETA: I almost forgot – thank you to my son Matt who helped me pull this thing together – that was a very fun afternoon and I thank you for all your hard work!
A Cool August Day – Finally!
August 9, 2011
Yes, the heat wave around here has finally broken! Yesterday morning we had what is called an outflow boundary slide through here and knocked temps back into the 80’s!! Oh, it was bliss! The high didn’t get above 95 yesterday I believe and that is a far cry from the 110 and up range we’ve been having for awhile. This morning I awoke to 70 degrees – ahhhhhhh. I do feel that fall is on the way, the sun is going down earlier each night and the air just has that smell and feel of a change of seasons. Last night for supper we had pork roast and sweet potatoes – a decidedly fall meal!
So, this morning while it was still cool enough to sit outside, I grabbed a book and read a chapter. It wasn’t a quiet read for the sounds of birds chattering and squabbling in the background was plenty loud. I did enjoy it though and watched as the sun rose higher and higher in the morning sky. When it got in my eyes, that’s when I went in :-).
I need to spend more mornings like this, I had been before the heat got unbearable and it was a lovely time in my day to pray and think and then just be quiet. It’s hard for me to quiet my thoughts (or my mouth some times – hehe), but I need that time away from my other distractions. Hopefully as the month wears on and August gives way to September I’ll be able to do more of this again. I also wish I could find a nice patio furniture set so that I could have my coffee outside too. Or the kids could sit and draw (or I could sit and “draw”). Maybe now that all that kind of thing has gone on sale I can find something I like. Otherwise, there’s always next year.
So, what else have I been doing you ask? Well, it has been too hot to go outside and do anything and too hot inside the house to do much either. I remembered how I used to spend my summer afternoons on my school breaks – watching lots of reruns of old shows on the new cable channels :-). I went to Netflix and found The Addams Family and we’ve been watching two episodes every afternoon for the last week. Let me tell you I had no idea that Gomez and Morticia were such a hot couple back then! It’s just a reversal of the “perfect” American family and somehow I almost like the Addamses better. They were even homeschooling their children in the first episode – love it!
Speaking of homeschooling, I’ve been going through the school cubbies and cleaning them out, going through my old teacher notebook and culling there too and putting everything into a new (bigger) binder. I took stock of our school supplies and we don’t need too much there – did I mention I bought a globe? The kids are already enjoying it and it’s been awhile since we’ve had one around here. I’m also deciding on which reading and language programs to use for Becky and Katie and feel like I hit on a good plan for them. I still need to order Becky’s math and I’m heading to the used homeschool bookstore next Monday to fill out the rest of what I need. At the end of the month all I’ll need to do is put everything together.
And what’s on the agenda for today? A trip to the store for milk (I swear we really need a cow) and then some deep cleaning this afternoon. Otherwise, I plan to take breaks and put my feet up and relax – it is supposed to be my month off remember? I think I need to keep reminding myself of that and give myself permission to do things I enjoy that are for fun. I think many moms will tell you, we just don’t often think of our needs and what we want or how to get the help we need when we need it. It is something for me to contemplate.
Well, I think that catches you up on my news (except for the Hello Kitty fiasco at Wal-Mart on Sunday – I think I’ll just let that one rest). I’m off to put a load of laundry in. Enjoy your day!
Two Good Things For Today
August 5, 2011
After getting frapps from Starbucks for Steve and myself I had this thought – I have two good things for today. Here they are:
1. I feel GOOD and it’s been a long, long time since I’ve felt this good. The anniversary of my slide off the edge is coming up, and I can honestly say WHAT A DIFFERENCE from 3 years ago!! And feeling good makes me feel happy inside…and out.
2. I can go to the store and buy what I want or need right now and it’s been a very long time since we could do that! I have been on both ends of that spectrum, and it is less stressful to be where we are now. However, I have learned a few lessons about money and contentment that I may not have learned had I not gone through all this. So, lessons learned is a good thing and being able to buy what we need or even a splurge like Starbucks is a good thing too. Can’t wait to do full blown school supply shopping :-).