Pizza Party!
July 25, 2011
As most of you know, a month ago this week we were officially out of debt – whooo hooo!! What you don’t know is that about a year ago, when all hell was breaking loose with some of the creditors, I decided that when we had made our last payment we would celebrate by having a big restaurant meal that we hadn’t been able to afford. Not to mention the 10 of us do not ever all go out to eat for the very simple reason – too expensive. Well, that and wrangling all those little kids – that’s a challenge. That said, we all decided on pizza and we chose Mazzio’s Pizza – a local establishment – for our place of celebration.
I made sure to arrive after the Sunday lunch rush for our sakes and the employees :-). The kids staked out a table while Mike and I ordered the food – 6 pizzas and drinks. What kind of pizzas you ask? Three sausuage, two Canadian bacon, and one cheese. Oh, and the drinks were free ’cause it was Sunday – bonus! Happily, I whipped out my debit card and paid. It was nice to just pay and not worry about whether or not we could afford it, or we would have to scrimp on something else to be able to do this. We paid with no worries whatsoever :-). Well, we made quick work of those 6 pizzas let me tell you and we were all stuffed to the gills when we left. Later on at home, we enjoyed homemade peach pie courtesy of Chris. After THAT we were in a food coma. It was a meal to remember!
So, I know the question on everyone’s minds is, will we do that again? Yes! I am already planning to save a little bit of money each month and go to Golden Coral over Christmas :-). Now, for your viewing pleasure, our pizza party!
Thanks to God for seeing our family through such a difficult time and to St. Martha for all her extra prayers on our behalf. Couldn’t have done it without you!!
On July 25, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Joyce said:
Oh what a treat! I'm still in awe of the 6 pizzas!!! Wow! There are still leftovers in the frig of the stuffed large pizza I brought home on Saturday. JP doesn't get very hungry. LOL!
On July 26, 2011 at 10:45 AM, java_queen said:
Under normal circumstances I don't think we'd get that many but it was a feast so it called for lots o'food. Mike was certain we'd have food leftover and I just laughed....we have bottomless pits.
On July 25, 2011 at 2:38 PM, Johanna said:
Loved reading about your Big Party out! YOU DESERVED IT and it was a wonderful way for the whole family to celebrate!
On July 26, 2011 at 10:43 AM, java_queen said:
Thank you!! ((HUG)) I will have to agree about it being deserved and I often reminded myself of the celebration we'd have especially when things were tough.
On August 6, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Dan said:
Loved the pictures! Congrats on being debt free.
On August 6, 2011 at 8:10 PM, java_queen said:
Thanks - it feels SO good! Glad you enjoyed the pictures - it was a lot of fun!