St Martha and me…at Starbucks
April 17, 2011
One of my favorite saints – and one I can most definitely relate to – is St. Martha. You know, the one who complained to Jesus about Mary just sitting around doing nothing and asking Him to tell Mary to get off her duff and help. Yes, I love her! Why? Because I am her so very often in my daily life. I’m human just as she was.
I love the story of Martha and Mary, but have so many questions about Jesus’ reply to her although I think I do understand to some extent (did I tell you that I’m a simpleton as well as an unperfect mommy??). She was so wrapped up in the living of her life that she forgot the most important thing – to put God first. To spend time daily with Him – even in the doing of our duties. I think that’s the message here. Mary left the dishes to go sit at the Master’s feet and maybe Martha wanted to, but felt that she couldn’t. There were too many other things to do. Think about it – Jesus was her dinner guest!! Oh how often I feel like that too – that I don’t have time for what really matters. Take yesterday, I put off going to confession when I knew full well there may not be a chance this Saturday because it’s Holy Saturday and very often there is no confession. It’s the high holy day of the church year if you will so it is mostly spent in getting ready for that celebration. Instead I made supper to get it on the table in time for when the older boys got home from work and travel. Really, I had no excuse! I had plenty of time, but I found lots of excuses. So, I’m shooting for the next weekend which is the day before Divine Mercy Sunday – I’ll need that!
Okay, so back to Martha and Mary. The Gospel writer doesn’t say what happened after Jesus gently said, “Martha, Martha you are worried about many things, but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her”. I have thought about this many times, and I think that Martha dropped the dishrag into the sink, left her guests and joined her sister and Jesus. Maybe Jesus extended his hand in invitation for her to come sit with him and Mary. I can see that too. Or maybe she would have behaved more like me. Maybe she looked at him in disbelief, turned around and muttered “Men!” under her breath then kicked a flower pot on the way back in the house. Then, later on, she thought about it and meditated on it and that’s where the belief started coming in. Later, she was able to proclaim that she believed Jesus was the Messiah and had faith that God would grant whatever Jesus asked. She was the one to run to Jesus FIRST so there was a change of heart somewhere along the way.
I wish I could go grab St. Martha and have a cup of coffee at Starbucks and ask her questions like, Did you leave your work that day to listen to Jesus? How did you come to believe so strongly in Him? Did you have a husband who some days just drove you up a wall? Or children that had temper tantrums or whined about cleaning their rooms? Somehow I think she did, but I won’t know until I meet her in heaven. After my time in purgatory I’m sure :-). I ask for her interecession with the many things I am troubled about too. This week it is our van – our only vehicle – that needs to be repaired again. She has never failed me – I strongly feel her presence in my life.
Dear St. Martha, would you please join me this morning as I have my cup of coffee? I know you understand me – I know you had many of the same worries that I do. I know that you listen to me and pray for me as my special friend. Impart to me some of that wisdom you gleaned from Jesus and help me to become a better wife, mother, Catholic christian, daughter, and friend. Thank you for praying for me and helping me in my struggles – I am forever grateful to you. Amen.