Music Monday
April 4, 2011
This will be a little different because it’s not about any specific music, but the fact that my music seems to follow me everywhere I go. I know you think it’s crazy, but my older kids have witnessed this so they know what I am talking about. Let me explain.
I go into a store, say Hastings, and I’m browsing the books and what do I hear? One of my favorite songs! What makes it really creepy is when that song is followed by another of my favorites and usually these are together on one of my homemade cd mixes. Even creepier? Every store you go in that day is playing those songs!! Yes, this has really happened! I’m not talking about a one off here, it happens A LOT. Matt even said that when he was in college (1500 miles away), he’d go into a store and what would the music be? Something of mine! It drove him crazy – hehe.
Here’s another example. Matt and I were out shopping on Saturday and went into Ci-Ci’s for pizza. We paid our money and sat down and then I noticed the music – “Some Like it Hot” by Power Station – now that is NEVER played anymore so only us “old” people would recognize it. What song was next? “She Blinded Me With Science” by Thomas Dolby – that’s when I knew it was happening again!! Then, “Planet Earth” by Duran Duran!! Both Matt and I were ecstatic and practically yelled, “YES!” at the same time!! And on and on it went – one great 80’s tune after another. I really wanted to ask the manager sitting at the table across from us if it was his collection although he was much younger than me. :-) At any rate I’m sure he thought I was crazy. BTW – here’s the rundown:
“Some Like It Hot” – Power Station (RIP Robert Palmer)
“She Blinded Me With Science” – Thomas Dolby
“Planet Earth” – Duran Duran
“Eyes Without A Face” – Billy Idol
“Look of Love” – ABC
“Sexy and 17” – Stray Cats
Now that’s a lineup I can love! So, next time you hang with me in a store or the mall, guess what music they’re probably going to play?? Just warning ya!
It’s Break Time!
April 1, 2011
Phew – it has been not just a long week, but a long three months as well. Well, four or five months really but….all right, all right, I’ll quit brining it up!! Anyway, this is our last day of school for a month – we’ll resume in May – and I’m ready! Don’t get me wrong I LOVE homeschooling, but I am just really tired and needing a break and since we do three months on and one month off it’s time and I’m ready! Besides, April has Easter and two birthdays in it so I’ll be plenty busy.
I also plan to do a little decluttering around the house as well. I’ve already started a list and I took a book out of the library – The House That Cleans Itself – looks interesting. I already have my house ordered as I like it as I read Organizing From the Inside Out and she told how to get areas in your house organized into zones of sorts. I did that and it made a huge difference! I also did the FlyLady thing and, again, it was life changing. The only thing I need to do is hone down my daily routines and declutter again (because stuff builds up again to some extent) and I think I’m good. For awhile.
I will also be planning for Joe and Maggie’s new school year – US History with Sonlight’s Core 3+4 (although I think it’s now called D+E – whatever). I had my first BOX DAY on Wednesday (more about that later) and I am really excited about all the great books we’re going to read!! I enjoy the cores every bit as much as they do. Possibly more :-).
So, here’s to a good break and even though I’ll be busy I will get time in there for rest and relaxation as well because I definitely need to recharge my batteries!
Happy Friday!!