Box Day 2011
April 6, 2011
Yes indeed, on Wednesday March 30 we had our first official BOX DAY!! For those of you who don’t know, Box Day is the term used by those of us who use Sonlight to refer to the day our big box of core materials arrives. Although my box was not from Sonlight directly, it did come by my good friend Johanna who sold me her used 3+4 One Year Condensed American History core. It had every History, Reader, and Read-Aloud book as well as a couple from Bible. Also got the IG (Instructor Guide) for the History and Language Arts. It’s a complete core in every way so I indeed did have a Box Day and I am thrilled!!
I met the UPS guy at the door and he put the 30 pound box o’books inside the door for me. Then I gathered the kids around and we opened that wonderful box. Inside was book upon glorious book and we took them all out, laid them out side by side, and later I looked at each one individually. The kids also started looking at them right away. Kate immediately grabbed the book on the Constitution – she knew about that from a cd we have called Take Your Hat Off When the Flag goes by. Hehehe – gotta love it!! Later, I got the IG and skimmed through that – this is going to be a great core and I am probably as excited as, if not more than, the kids. We will start in May.
On a side note, I had a mini box day a couple of weeks earlier when I got the Science 4 books from Sonlight. Also to arrive will be new math books as well. This is one of the funnest parts of homeschooling – getting the materials that we use. My kids can tell you how crazy I get when catalogs arrive in the mail or when the school supplies show up in the stores. I may have said this before, but Matt told me once that homeschooling works for us because, “you enjoy it so much”. Yep, he’s totally correct there!!
So, here are pictures of our first Box Day!