Bad Mommy Day *sigh*
April 9, 2011
Yeah, it’s been one of those weeks so I decided to cap it off by throwing a tantrum today. Well, why not? Becky has thrown a tantrum a day every day for almost two weeks now. Yeah, I’m getting kind of tired of that.
So, let me recap for you my timeline since last night:
1. Looked like we were going to escape bad storms, but no – one really nasty one had to show up around bedtime. And it was tornadic. So, it was stay up, watch storms, and get kids ready for the storm closet until it passed. I did not get to bed until 2am.
2. This morning I took Chris to work and then came home and had a cup o’ Joe. Then, at 9am, I went to Aldi to do the grocery shopping. I also snuck in a trip to the libray, Hastings, and a quick trip to my mom’s while I was out.
3. I get home at 11:30 and do not eat a decent lunch. I’m tired, but still have stuff to do…
4….Like get the leaking bag of chicken out of the drawer in the fridge, cook the chicken, and clean the drawer.
5. I also go to another store for a meat run – they have really good meat and it’s time for a stock up.
6. Oh, I need to mention that the girls are all peeved at me because I’m not letting them play computer.
6. When I get home I’m even more tired and Katie asks for a snack – graham crackers. I say yes, she reaches for them and before we know it the opened bag of pretzels dumps on the kitchen floor. Yes, all of them on the floor.
7. I lose it.
8. I finish cooking the chicken, apologize to the kids for yelling, and eat some chicken hoping that maybe feeding myself might help.
9. One more thing – the drain in the laundry room is backing up which means a call to the plumber on Monday.
Dear God – just one lottery win – pleeeeaaaassseeee?? I really need a vacation!!