Crazy Book Lady
April 30, 2011
Yep, that’s me!! I’ve always loved reading books and magazines and so collecting books and magazines makes perfect sense to me. When I was younger I read the Sue Barton nurse novels and as I got older I read the Jean Plaidy historical novels – I wish I still had them! Now I rarely read a novel, the last series I read was the Shopaholic stories and haven’t picked up anything like that since. Well, okay, I do read books with my kids for school and I guess that’s how I get my novels in these days. Mostly I read self-help, parenting, spiritual books, and cook books now. That’s okay, it’s still reading and I learn a lot from others’ experiences too. One day I looked around my house and noticed the piles of books everywhere and I thought about it and instead of a crazy cat lady, I’ll be the crazy book lady.
Personal books, dvd's, and music - I used to have more than is on here but I have given and sold plenty over the years.
So there you have it, I am probably a certified book-a-holic and that is fine with me! Did I tell you I have a wish list 71 books long on Amazon??
April Progress Report
April 29, 2011
Well, this is embarrassing because there really isn’t much to report diet wise. Although I have lost 1/2 pound, I really haven’t been doing much to actively lose weight. I have been trying to get more vegetables in, but fruits are still difficult for me – I need to figure out why. I really prefer juice and maybe I should just give up and start with juice so I get the fruit in. I also bought the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home dvd I like and am going to start that today too. On the other hand, when I look in the mirror I like who I see again – now that is progress! With 15 pounds off and a new hairstyle, I think I’m looking pretty okay these days and that helps to free my mind up for other things more worthy of my time rather than thinking about who or what I am not.
I was thinking this morning about myself and my quiet and seemingly ordinary life …. And then I looked out of the kitchen window and saw a bright crescent moon in the early morning sky with it’s different shades of blue and realized that was my first gift for today and it took my breath away. In my ordinariness God gave me that gift just for me today and I know that I don’t need to be anything but who I am and do my work of being a homemaker and mother each day. He is pleased with that and maybe I should be content too.
So, I think I’m going to get my second gift today – a cup of coffee and, for a lot of us, coffee is one of the finest things on this earth to eat or drink. I’m thankful that someone long ago figured out how to brew those beans into a drink! So, while progress on the body is slow, progress in my heart, mind, and soul is coming along just fine.
Music Monday – Styx: Paradise Theater
April 26, 2011
Paradise Theater by Styx is one of the best rock albums of all time. Of course one of the reasons it IS so good is that it was released in January 1981 – I turned 18 and was getting ready to graduate that spring. It was a great year for good music! The obvious reason it stands out is that the songs were all excellent. Well, most of them.
This was a concept album and it was based on Chicago’s Paradise Theater. The album cover art shows a thriving theater on the front side, and the same theater now closed and abandoned on the back. I remember that the actual record had Styx laser etched onto it – very cool and making it highly collectible as well. Which is probably why it is so very hard to find in used record stores. However, my oldest son does own a copy! Lucky.
Now I’d like to take us through the music and my thoughts on the songs.
1. A.D. 1928 – To me this is just the introduction to Rockin’ the Paradise. :-) It recollects the beginning days of the theater – as an emcee would greet the theater guests to come in and enjoy the show.
2. Rockin the Paradise – I love the rock melody and the words to this song which I think still resonate with stuff going on today as much as it did in 1981. Simply fantastic!
3. Too Much Time On My Hands – A song about the horrible situation of having lots of money, lots of time, but nothing substantial to do with either. Love, love this song! My favorite memory? Being at a church dance and this was the first song they played – it has the word “damn” in it. A few people audibly sucked their breath in. *snicker*
4. Nothing Ever Goes As Planned – Actually, this is probably one of the only songs I don’t like on here. Apparently, it didn’t do real well when it was released either. Talk about ironic!
5. The Best of Times – I think this could be categorized as a power ballad of sorts. I think the lyrics talking about this age being the best of times and worst of times, is timeless. I mean, didn’t Charles Dickens write that in Tale of Two Cities? There are always decades, centuries even, when things have gone real well and things that have been bad. But, As long as we have each other, we’ll do all right. I think there is truth in that too – having someone to lean on in good and bad times does help.
6. Lonely People – Again, not a favorite of mine. Well, you know, even really good albums have the occassional song you don’t like.
7. She Cares – My absolute favorite song on this whole album!! It is a song about a young man and his wife as they go through changes in their lives and how, through it all, she remains faithful to him against all the odds. In turn, he can’t seem to forgive himself the indiscretions he has had, but accepts the love that she offers because he knows no matter what she’ll be there. I also think he changes his wayward ways as well. Okay, I know it’s only a song, but let’s face it, it’s also life too.
8. Snowblind – A song about the ugliness of drug addiction – specifically cocaine addiction. In a time when cocaine addiction was out of control especially with teens, this was a welcome song. Any kind of addiction starts out innocent enough – you think you can master it, but, of course it masters you and then you can’t get out. Naturally, some idiot thought there were messages on this song if you played it backwards. Yeah, who has time to think about this stuff?? Oh, see song #3.
9. Half Penney Two Penney – I liked the music to this and the words, but now that I’m looking over and wondering if it’s about having it all and then having nothing. Or maybe that money doesn’t guarantee happiness. Interesting song worth mulling over. Hmm. Will have to listen to it through again. Hey Matt – can I borrow your record?
10. A.D. 1958 – The Paradise Theater has closed and this wraps up the album with I guess the ending to A.D. 1928. “Tonight can always last as long as we keep alive the memories of Paradise” – indeed!!
11. State Street Sadie – A cool 1920’s type of song – the kind of song you would hear in a speakeasy maybe or a non talkie movie theater. They used to play the piano as the background music to the movie. Hehe – such a far cry from the way things are now!
Okay – so that’s my take on Paradise Theater. If you have it and haven’t listened to it in a while, take it from the shelf, dust it off and give it a listen. Ah, good times!
Happy Easter!
April 24, 2011
We have had a lovely day filled with Easter morning Mass, a wonderful dinner of ham, green beans (seasoned w/bacon and onion of course), cheese biscuits, pink stuff, and deviled eggs. Naturally there is plenty of candy too. Although it has been rainy all day, the joy that is within me has kept my spirit bright. I leave you with a small portion of the Exsultet which is sung at every Holy Saturday Mass in the dark of the church that is illuminated only by candles and illuminated it is! It is always amazing to me how many candles burning brightly together can bring forth so much light – yes, there is a parable in there somewhere I’m sure. Happy Easter Season!!
Rejoice heavenly powers! Sing choirs of angels!
Exult all creation around God’s throne!
Jesus Christ our King is risen!
Sound the trumpet of salvation!
The power of this holy night dispels all evil, washes guilt away, restores lost innocence, brings mourners joy
It casts out hatred, brings us peace, and humbles earthly pride.
Blew a gasket
April 22, 2011
Our van that is – it literally blew a gasket. Amazingly enough I didn’t blow a gasket when I found out how much it was going to cost! I had figured on it being something else but costing around the same so it wasn’t really a shock. Okay, I did suck my breath in a little, but otherwise I was actually calm. Now anyone around my house can tell you that is very unusual for me. Very unusual. I think the reason I was okay is because we have money in the savings account, we are on our way out of debt, there is food in the house, and I’ve been able to buy what I need when I need it. All those things together helped to keep my nerves from fraying. I’d say that is progress!
St Martha and me…at Starbucks
April 17, 2011
One of my favorite saints – and one I can most definitely relate to – is St. Martha. You know, the one who complained to Jesus about Mary just sitting around doing nothing and asking Him to tell Mary to get off her duff and help. Yes, I love her! Why? Because I am her so very often in my daily life. I’m human just as she was.
I love the story of Martha and Mary, but have so many questions about Jesus’ reply to her although I think I do understand to some extent (did I tell you that I’m a simpleton as well as an unperfect mommy??). She was so wrapped up in the living of her life that she forgot the most important thing – to put God first. To spend time daily with Him – even in the doing of our duties. I think that’s the message here. Mary left the dishes to go sit at the Master’s feet and maybe Martha wanted to, but felt that she couldn’t. There were too many other things to do. Think about it – Jesus was her dinner guest!! Oh how often I feel like that too – that I don’t have time for what really matters. Take yesterday, I put off going to confession when I knew full well there may not be a chance this Saturday because it’s Holy Saturday and very often there is no confession. It’s the high holy day of the church year if you will so it is mostly spent in getting ready for that celebration. Instead I made supper to get it on the table in time for when the older boys got home from work and travel. Really, I had no excuse! I had plenty of time, but I found lots of excuses. So, I’m shooting for the next weekend which is the day before Divine Mercy Sunday – I’ll need that!
Okay, so back to Martha and Mary. The Gospel writer doesn’t say what happened after Jesus gently said, “Martha, Martha you are worried about many things, but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her”. I have thought about this many times, and I think that Martha dropped the dishrag into the sink, left her guests and joined her sister and Jesus. Maybe Jesus extended his hand in invitation for her to come sit with him and Mary. I can see that too. Or maybe she would have behaved more like me. Maybe she looked at him in disbelief, turned around and muttered “Men!” under her breath then kicked a flower pot on the way back in the house. Then, later on, she thought about it and meditated on it and that’s where the belief started coming in. Later, she was able to proclaim that she believed Jesus was the Messiah and had faith that God would grant whatever Jesus asked. She was the one to run to Jesus FIRST so there was a change of heart somewhere along the way.
I wish I could go grab St. Martha and have a cup of coffee at Starbucks and ask her questions like, Did you leave your work that day to listen to Jesus? How did you come to believe so strongly in Him? Did you have a husband who some days just drove you up a wall? Or children that had temper tantrums or whined about cleaning their rooms? Somehow I think she did, but I won’t know until I meet her in heaven. After my time in purgatory I’m sure :-). I ask for her interecession with the many things I am troubled about too. This week it is our van – our only vehicle – that needs to be repaired again. She has never failed me – I strongly feel her presence in my life.
Dear St. Martha, would you please join me this morning as I have my cup of coffee? I know you understand me – I know you had many of the same worries that I do. I know that you listen to me and pray for me as my special friend. Impart to me some of that wisdom you gleaned from Jesus and help me to become a better wife, mother, Catholic christian, daughter, and friend. Thank you for praying for me and helping me in my struggles – I am forever grateful to you. Amen.
So glad tomorrow is Friday!
April 15, 2011
Today we had a nasty storm run through our area – lots and lots of rain, some hail, and tornado warnings for us too. Luckily we didn’t get an actual tornado. The weather show is still running on TV and will for awhile yet. I always feel sorry for those meterologists, but so glad they are there helping to keep us safe.
We also had a leak in our attic due to the rain and I’m hoping it doesn’t get worse. For now it’s okay and “fixed”, but it would probably be good to get a professional up there too. If it’s not one thing it’s another!!
So, after all that, I sent my older boys on a quest for chocolate. Yeah, yeah, I know it’s still Lent, but I lost it with my husband and needed the comfort that only chocolate can bring. Lucky for me Jeff is a chocoholic too and he KNOWS what I like :-). Lindt Intense Dark with Almond bits. Yeah, that’ll work. The great thing about the dark chocolate is because it’s more intense you don’t eat as much. Whereas milk chocolate I can devour in no time.
I’ve also been decluttering areas downstairs the last couple of weeks and I’ve made plenty of progress. In fact none of it has taken very long because I’ve kept most of the clutter out and cull it on a regular basis. Wow – I’ve come a long way baby! Now next week I’m doing some deep kitchen cleaning and I’ve got my plans for that. The upstairs will wait until summer – I’d like to get some furniture for the little kids but that will have to wait until I know what I want and can find it reasonably priced. Too bad there is no IKEA around here.
So, it’s been a long week and I’m ready for a rest. However, next week is Holy Week and there are two birthdays to celebrate after Easter too. So much for having some relaxation this month.
Music Monday
April 11, 2011
Okay, I know I’ve reviewed mostly modern music, but this time it’s going to be something more spiritual (although The Key by REO is actually spiritual for me). Today I’m going to talk about Beth Nielsen Chapman’s Hymns.
I first heard Salve Regina on Pandora about this time last year and I fell in love instantly. Actually, I probably started crying too – the Hail Holy Queen is one of my favorite prayers and songs and it always stirs my soul deeply when I hear it. So, I’ve been eyeing this album for a long time and, since my Amazon gift card was burning a hole in my pocket, I decided to go ahead and buy it on MP3. Of course I listened to it immediately after it downloaded and I just let the tears flow and got some inner peace for myself. After Saturday’s meltdown, I needed to find some peace!!
What I love about this album is that the arrangements are all either acapella or just guitar – so simple and so incredibly beautiful! Also, most are in Latin so these are the traditional Catholic hymns many of us grew up on – how can you go wrong?? To me, it’s like listening to angels in heaven. So, let’s go through the songs:
1. Ave Verum Corpus – This is a Mozart piece and that in itself makes this great.
2. Veni Veni Emmanuel (AKA O Come O Come Emmanuel) – The traditional song of Advent and especially sung during O Antiphon week in December, this is a haunting rendition. There is guitar backing, but it also has some of the English words to it too. This is also one of my favorite Christmas hymns. Old and steeped in Catholic tradition.
3. Tantum Ergo – This is one of the greatest Eucharist hymns in my opinion. If you haven’t ever sung it or don’t know the English translation, you must look it up – incredibly beautiful! Usually sung during Benediction and written by St. Thomas Aquinas.
4. O Salutaris Hostia – Okay, I have to admit I’ve not heard it sung this way before but it is still a traditional setting and wonderfully done. It is also a Eucharistic hymn, but it is also a Lenten hymn: “O Saving Victim opening wide, the gates of heaven to man below”.
5. Adoramus Te – Also a Lenten song and usually sung during the Stations of the Cross, this is prayed before each station: “We adore you O Christ and we bless you, by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.” This is so beautiful it gives me chills!
6. O Sanctissima – A Marian hymn and one of my all time favorites. You really don’t hear it sung much anymore and what a pity that is!
7. Panis Angelicus (Bread of Angels) – Now you usually hear this being “sung” by the great opera tenors like Luciano Pavoratti (RIP), but I much prefer these arrangements of simplicity to the other. You can hear each word clearly and really meditate on their meaning.
8. Salve Regina – This is the one that I fell in love with and encouraged me to look at the rest of the album and say, “Gotta have that!” This is also my favorite favorite Marian hymn and I really feel sorry for those at church who have to hear me sing it during Mass. Nevertheless sing it I do – can’t do otherwise. Do those who sing badly pray twice too?
9. Hymn To Mary – An original song of Beth Chapman’s and a beautiful prayer to Mary with the innocent faith of a child. It is almost a lullaby – just beautiful.
10. O God of Loveliness – This is the tune to Beautiful Savior, but I know that it is often that way with hymns – same melody different words. So, I don’t really know this one, but it is all sung in English and it is a probably a classic.
11. Dona Nobis Pacem – These are the ending words to the Agnus Dei said before Communion at Mass. It means literally, “Grant us peace”. Short, sweet and uplifting.
12. Ave Maria – The great hymn by Schubert is sung with guitar accompaniment and is a great ending to an incredibly meditative and wonderful album. Quiet, relaxing, classic.
So, that is my take on this album and I know it’s not nearly enough. If you love traditional Catholic music, if you are looking for something to add to morning or evening prayer, then you may want to check this one out. You won’t be sorry!
Bad Mommy Day *sigh*
April 9, 2011
Yeah, it’s been one of those weeks so I decided to cap it off by throwing a tantrum today. Well, why not? Becky has thrown a tantrum a day every day for almost two weeks now. Yeah, I’m getting kind of tired of that.
So, let me recap for you my timeline since last night:
1. Looked like we were going to escape bad storms, but no – one really nasty one had to show up around bedtime. And it was tornadic. So, it was stay up, watch storms, and get kids ready for the storm closet until it passed. I did not get to bed until 2am.
2. This morning I took Chris to work and then came home and had a cup o’ Joe. Then, at 9am, I went to Aldi to do the grocery shopping. I also snuck in a trip to the libray, Hastings, and a quick trip to my mom’s while I was out.
3. I get home at 11:30 and do not eat a decent lunch. I’m tired, but still have stuff to do…
4….Like get the leaking bag of chicken out of the drawer in the fridge, cook the chicken, and clean the drawer.
5. I also go to another store for a meat run – they have really good meat and it’s time for a stock up.
6. Oh, I need to mention that the girls are all peeved at me because I’m not letting them play computer.
6. When I get home I’m even more tired and Katie asks for a snack – graham crackers. I say yes, she reaches for them and before we know it the opened bag of pretzels dumps on the kitchen floor. Yes, all of them on the floor.
7. I lose it.
8. I finish cooking the chicken, apologize to the kids for yelling, and eat some chicken hoping that maybe feeding myself might help.
9. One more thing – the drain in the laundry room is backing up which means a call to the plumber on Monday.
Dear God – just one lottery win – pleeeeaaaassseeee?? I really need a vacation!!
Box Day 2011
April 6, 2011
Yes indeed, on Wednesday March 30 we had our first official BOX DAY!! For those of you who don’t know, Box Day is the term used by those of us who use Sonlight to refer to the day our big box of core materials arrives. Although my box was not from Sonlight directly, it did come by my good friend Johanna who sold me her used 3+4 One Year Condensed American History core. It had every History, Reader, and Read-Aloud book as well as a couple from Bible. Also got the IG (Instructor Guide) for the History and Language Arts. It’s a complete core in every way so I indeed did have a Box Day and I am thrilled!!
I met the UPS guy at the door and he put the 30 pound box o’books inside the door for me. Then I gathered the kids around and we opened that wonderful box. Inside was book upon glorious book and we took them all out, laid them out side by side, and later I looked at each one individually. The kids also started looking at them right away. Kate immediately grabbed the book on the Constitution – she knew about that from a cd we have called Take Your Hat Off When the Flag goes by. Hehehe – gotta love it!! Later, I got the IG and skimmed through that – this is going to be a great core and I am probably as excited as, if not more than, the kids. We will start in May.
On a side note, I had a mini box day a couple of weeks earlier when I got the Science 4 books from Sonlight. Also to arrive will be new math books as well. This is one of the funnest parts of homeschooling – getting the materials that we use. My kids can tell you how crazy I get when catalogs arrive in the mail or when the school supplies show up in the stores. I may have said this before, but Matt told me once that homeschooling works for us because, “you enjoy it so much”. Yep, he’s totally correct there!!
So, here are pictures of our first Box Day!