Making Progress
March 3, 2011
Well, I stepped on the scale this morning and find that somehow I’ve lost another 1/2 pound!! Now, you might be thinking that’s not a lot, but I will beg to differ. I’m going in the right direction of losing weight, so any amount is to be celebrated and it will help propel me forward to make the changes I need to make. SO, I feel good about that!
On the other hand, somewhere along the line I fell off the take care of myself wagon and lost my housecleaning groove as well. Last November and December were incredibly busy and emotionally draining for me, and I think I basically used February with it’s cold and snow to huddle up against all that. Now that spring is coming around, it is time to get out of my funk, acknowledge that it was a difficult time, but now it’s time to move forward. There is a part of me that doesn’t want to let go, and I’ll let her catch up when she is ready.
I bought two books that are going to help me with my Improve Me project – one is called Simply in Season and the other The Happiness Project. Simply in Season is about seasonal eating in regard to fruits and vegetables and it makes so much sense to buy what’s in season when it’s in season. The food is tastier and cheaper as well. It has information about how to pick, cook, and preserve your food and then has loads of recipes as well. All in all I think it’s a good book to get me started eating more fruits and vegetables. I hope the family will like it too.
The other book is The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and it’s a memoir of sorts of a project the author did one year to increase her happiness. I don’t even know if I know what real happiness is. I have feelings of happiness from time to time, but it never lasts so I don’t think that’s what it is. The book goes through the changes she made in her life and how it affected her and her family. I have already looked through the book via the one I got from the library, and it has a lot in it that has made me stop and think about my own life and how I can find happiness within myself instead of from outside sources only. I am reading it with a friend and I think together we can find some solutions for ourselves.
So, that’s my progress for the last month and a little goal setting for March. Here’s to making progress and really, isn’t life just a work in progress anyway – always moving forward?