Week in Review
January 16, 2011
For those of you wondering where I’ve been the last week, I thought I’d post my week in review report – it was not a good week. Plenty of OH CRAP moments to keep this woman going.
We started Monday off with one of Jeff’s college textbooks not being delivered as it should have been. We’re talking the $185 before tax and shipping math book. He was hesitant to re-purchase because it was so expensive and I was more worried that he would have a high price to pay in class if he didn’t have one. As it turned out, the teacher was very understanding about his plight and he called all the right people so the book was found and delivered on Friday afternoon – yay! Very glad he waited to see what was going to happen before ordering a new textbook. Good call Jeff!
Also on Monday we had snow and I must say it was pretty – looked like someone was sifting powdered sugar from sky. However, I was worried that I would not get kids to and from school and that there might be ice, but as it turned out the roads were clear by Tuesday already. I think it was too dry for the snow to really stick and the brisk north winds helped to dry the streets as well. Now that’s the kind of snow I can appreciate!
On Thursday I heard a bizarre squeaking noise in the living room and could not figure out where it was coming from. At first I thought it was someone’s phone, then I thought it was someone’s DS game that had been left on, but then I realized it was coming from the area of our fireplace. Okay, it’s not really a fireplace, but I think it was at somepoint and it’s not the traditional kind – it’s a gas fireplace. So immediately I start panicking. Until Matt tells me that he’s been hearing the squeaking for weeks. (Weeks? And you didn’t tell me??) We did a little detective work and figured out that the noise was coming from the gas meter outside. So, I got all the kiddos out of bed just in case of whatever emergency was sure to ensue and called the gas company at 8 am. They had someone out within 30 minutes. Luckily it wasn’t a big deal and the gas meter was replaced. Of course I worried through the whole thing, and I’m sure the poor guy thought he had a live one that morning, but he also reassured me every step of the way so I would feel better. Now that’s what I call service!
On a smaller note, I had misplaced one of the twins’ school books and I looked and looked for it all week long. Finally on Friday I found it under piles of paper on the school shelf. I swear I looked there at least 10 times already!! Luckily, it wasn’t nearly as expensive as Jeff’s textbook.
Friday came and all the problems had been solved and we eagerly looked forward to bowling that night. Lucky for me, Mike was having a bad first game and he only beat me by 5 points – bwahahahahaha! I really messed up the last few frames or I could have beat him and in a bad way too. Oh well – there’s always next week :-).
So, that’s my week in review – busy with a couple crises, two boys starting college classes, and a little snow because it is still winter after all. Hope this week is better!
On January 26, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Val said:
How is college going for the boys? I hope they are enjoying it!
On January 28, 2011 at 1:26 AM, java_queen said:
They are doing fine and enjoying their classes.