Happy New Year!
January 1, 2011
Well, I’m feeling pretty good today – although it could just be my hormone high before my hormone low :-). I am thinking of my goals for this year – I don’t do resolutions – and I thought I’d share them with you. I also bought a new planner that’s different than just a datebook for recording what you have to do, but I’ll talk more about that tomorrow. I plan on spending some time with it at Starbucks to get started. Anywho, on with my goals!
1. Lose 60 lbs by the end of the year. Yes, I really do have that much to lose and I’ve already lost 13 pounds since summer of 2010 so I’m on my way and don’t want to lose the momentum. At the same time, I want to get into healthier habits and that will take time.
2. Have a garage sale spring 2011. I have a lot of homeschool books and things I want to sell as well as other stuff cluttering up the house.
3. See my vocation of wife and mother as my job (because it really is) and make goals for it accordingly.
4. Really put God first and this is hard because I’m not really sure how to do that. I want to learn how to listen to Him and learn how my life can be with Him at the forefront of every day. My favorite “story” in the Gospels is that of Mary and Martha and when Jesus says, to Martha, “You are worried about many things, but only one thing is necessary” and I keep thinking, “What IS the one thing?”. Maybe it is this – to know, love, and serve God? I love St. Martha and totally identify with her and pray for her help often – maybe I should ask her help on this because she obviously started doing that one thing in order that she could say, “I believe you are the Christ, the Son of God who has come into the world”.
That’s what I’ve thought of to start with and I think it’s a good list. I’m sure it will be refined as the year goes on.
So, Happy New Year to all of you and may 2011 be a Year of Grace from Our Lord for ALL of us!