Taking care of myself
September 23, 2010
I’ve spent the last few days recuperating from my fall on Saturday. I’ve also spent time brooding and crying – things I haven’t really done in a few months. However, I also spent the last day and a half cleaning, organizing, resting, and playing. I feel much better with the house being tidy, good meals being eaten, and a better outlook for the week. I realized I had to take time to take care of me. And I did.
On September 25, 2010 at 2:51 AM, Joyce said:
I'm glad you are taking care of you and dontcha just hate it that a clean house helps? Argh!! I feel that way too but still put off the cleaning until it is hard work. (guess what I did this week!! LOL!)
On September 25, 2010 at 9:29 PM, java_queen said:
Hi!! I know - crazy isn't it? Awhile back, when I got mad, I would go on a cleaning/organizing binge and it helped. Probably because it was destressing using my energy for something physical :-).