August 30, 2010
Well, tomorrow is our first day back at school for the new year. We are starting our 16th year of homeschooling as well – hard to believe it has been that long. So, with that in mind here are some pictures of our school area (a.k.a. the dining room):

This is the area with our paper, pencils, crayons, etc. Mike put up little wire shelves for me a couple of years ago and it has worked wonderfully! I think, though, the poster board needs to go some place else.

This is our school cubby - as you can see it's all nicely color coded for the kids.

And here is Joe's artwork for the first day of school - hmm obviously someone is not ready.

Here's me, Katie, and Becky in school "heaven" - smiling and happy that school is starting.

And here's Joe, Steve, and Maggie in school "heck". I hope they don't behave like that tomorrow!
On August 30, 2010 at 2:17 AM, Dan said:
Gee, I can't get over how creative the kids are on the whiteboard!
On August 31, 2010 at 8:47 PM, java_queen said:
Yeah - all you have to do is leave a marker around and they're all doodling away - even the big kids!