August 25, 2010
I have been awake since about 2:30 this morning – could not go back to sleep so here’s a list of things I’m not going to do today.
Today I am NOT going to run around doing a bunch of things (Oh Crap – I need to go to the store).
Today I am going to take my shower and then go walk around in the yard after I have my coffee. It’s only 60 degrees outside right now and I want to enjoy it (that is, if my little Keurig ever makes me a cup of coffee this morning!!).
I will not do a massive amount of getting ready for school (we start next Monday) or housecleaning today. I will do some, but mostly I will relax. (Well, as much as I can with 7 of my 8 home today).
I will not get on the computer very much today (checking my blog doesn’t count does it?).
Today I will probably do just as much as I did yesterday *sigh*. Maybe I’ll have time to put my feet up though – after I have that cup of coffee.